Sustainable Bay Area Network’s 2019 Spring Gathering

Date: Tuesday, May 7th
Time: 9:30 am to 4:00-ish pm

CSU East Bay’s Oakland Center (map)
in the Transpacific Centre
1000 Broadway, Oakland
Near the Marriot and BART



Who’s attending? Click here for an up to date list of RSVPs


9:30 – Introductions all around

9:45 – Updates on Recent Climate Action Initiatives
facilitated by Mark Westwind
Updates on the June 2018 UNA Bay Area Climate Action Forum, the City of Berkeley’s Climate Action Town Hall Meeting in Sept 2018 and the very recent convening of the Climate Emergency Mobilization Task Force. 

10:00 – Discussion: Creating a Shared Vision and the Green New Deal
facilitated by David Haskell, Sustainable Marin
“Lack of a shared vision” was identified as a primary issue at the UNA’s Climate Action Forum and more recently at the Climate Action Mobilization Task Force meeting. In parallel, the Green New Deal has exploded in the news. What are your thoughts? Are we in sync?

10:45 – Break

11:00 – Special Guest: Laura Neish, Exec. Director, 350 Bay Area
There was a flurry of activities, forums and events that happened last year in support of the Governor’s Global Climate Action Summit. Recently, the City of Berkeley is in the process of convening a regional Climate Action Mobilization Task Force. and 350 Bay Area have been at the forefront of the climate action movement. Laura will be joining us to participate in a conversation about her work and how we can work better, smarter, together.

11:45 – Lunch Break

12:15 – Special Guest: The Team from Charidy, “the most rewarding platform for donors and non-profits alike”
Workshop: Creating Effective Campaigns 
Moche Hecht, Chief Innovation Officer
The team at Charidy has studied charitable giving throughout history and identified a few core principles. Guided by these insights, they’ve built Charidy – the fastest growing crowdfunding platform and consulting service for nonprofits. Mark met Moshe, Roxanna and Jessica at the recent NTEN Conference and was very impressed. They’ve offered to facilitate an interactive workshop to help us look at how to develop more effective messaging, fundraising and action campaigns.  

2:00 – Break

2:15 – Special Guest: Samantha Sommer, ReThink Disposible
There’s increasing interest in reducing plastic waste by banning single-use plastic items such as straws, utensils and to-go boxes. Several cities (e.g. Berkeley) recently enacted restrictive legislation. How do these bans on plastic work? What are the impacts on restaurants and other businesses? Samantha will update us on this growing movement.

3:00 – Update: Tools and Strategies for Engaging the Public
Case Study: Community Climate Solutions platform
Cleaner Contra Costa Challenge – Tina Neuhausel
Sonoma County Regional Climate Protection Authority – Brant Arthur
Case Study: Custom Data Management System
Resilient Neighborhoods – Solano – Allison Nagel
These organizations have active programs to engage individuals and households using new tech platforms and old school organizing. What’s working? What’s not?

3:45 – Updates from Participants
Share your current projects, initiatives and success stories.

4:00 – Wrap

Hosted by:
Sustainable Contra Costa
Sustainable Marin
Sustainable North Bay

Sponsored by 


For more information or suggestions, please call or write:

Mark Westwind
Sustainable Contra Costa